Publications S. Mehra

Peer-reviewed journals

  1. Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., Visser, B., Engelbert, R. H., Weijs, P. J., & Kröse, B. J. (2020). Evaluation of a Blended Physical Activity Intervention for Older Adults: Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research22(7), e16380.
  2. van den Helder J, Mehra S, van Dronkelaar C, ter Riet G, Scholten J, Tieland M, Visser B, Kröse BJA, Engelbert RHH, Weijs PJM (2020). Effects of a blended home-based exercise program and dietary protein intervention on physical performance in community-dwelling older adults: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle.
  3. Mehra S, Visser B, Cila N, van den Helder J, Engelbert RH, Weijs PJ, Kröse BJ (2019). Supporting Older Adults in Exercising With a Tablet: A Usability Study. JMIR Hum Factors, 6(1):e11598.
  4. van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Tieland, M., Mehra, S., Dadema, T., Visser, B., … & Weijs, P. J. (2018). A digitally supported home-based exercise training program and dietary protein intervention for community dwelling older adults: protocol of the cluster randomised controlled VITAMIN trial. BMC geriatrics18(1), 183.
  5. Mehra S, Visser B, Dadema T, van den Helder J, Engelbert RH, Weijs PJ, Kröse BJ (2018). Translating Behavior Change Principles Into a Blended Exercise Intervention for Older Adults: Design Study. JMIR Res Protoc, 7(5):e117.
  6. Mehra S, Dadema T, Kröse BJA, Visser B, Engelbert RHH, Van Den Helder J and Weijs PJM (2016). Attitudes of Older Adults in a Group-Based Exercise Program Toward a Blended Intervention; A Focus-Group Study. Front. Psychol., 7:1827.
  7. Mehra, S., Werkhoven, P., & Worring, M. (2006). Navigating on handheld displays: dynamic versus static peephole navigation. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 13(4), 448-457.
  8. Lange, A., Schrieken, B., Scheijde, R., Broeksteeg, J., Ruwaard, J., Schrijver, M., Mehra, S., van de Ven, J-P., & Emmelkamp, P. (2005). Serie onderzoek en psychotherapie: Interapy. Diagnostiek en geprotocolleerde behandeling van welomschreven stoornissen via internet. Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 31(5), 215-227.

Books & book chapters

  1. Mehra S., van den Helder J., Kröse B.J.A., Engelbert R.H.H., Weijs P.J.M., & Visser B. (2020) Aging and Physical Activity: A Qualitative Study of Basic Psychological Needs and Motivation in a Blended Home-Based Exercise Program for Older Adults. In: Ng B., Ho G. (eds), Self-Determination Theory and Healthy Aging. Springer, Singapore.
  2. Michie, S., Atkins, L., & West, R. (2018). Het gedragsveranderingswiel: 8 stappen naar succesvolle interventies. J.G. Goosen, K. van ’t Hof, & S. Mehra (Eds). Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press.

Scientific conferences: full papers

  1. Mehra S, van den Helder J, Kröse BJ, Engelbert RH, Weijs PJ, & Visser B (submitted). Predicting Exercise Adherence and Physical Activity in Older Adults Based on Tablet Engagement: A Post-hoc Study.

Scientific conferences: oral & poster presentations

  1. van den Helder, J. E. M., Tieland, C. A. B., Mehra, S., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2020). Digitally supported dietary counseling increases protein intake in community dwelling older adults: subgroup-analysis of the VITAMIN RCT. Abstract from ISBNPA – Xchange.
  2. van den Helder, J. E. M., Mehra, S., van Dronkelaar, D. C., ter Riet, G., Tieland, C. A. B., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2020). Effects of a blended home-based exercise program and dietary protein intervention on physical performance in community-dwelling older adults: results from the VITAMIN CRCT. The Journal of Frailty & Aging, Volume 9(Supplement 1), S14.
  3. van den Helder, J. E. M., Verlaan, S., Tieland, C. A. B., Mehra, S., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2020). How to establish increased protein intake in a blended lifestyle intervention in community-dwelling older adults? Subgroup-analysis of the VITAMIN RCT. Clinical nutrition, 40, 500.
  4. van den Helder, J. E. M., Verlaan, S., Tieland, C. A. B., Mehra, S., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2020). How to establish increased protein intake in a blended lifestyle intervention in community-dwelling older adults? Subgroup-analysis of the VITAMIN RCT. Poster session presented at 42th ESPEN congress.
  5. van den Helder, J. E. M., Mehra, S., Tieland, C. A. B., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2020). Implementation of blended and combined exercise and nutrition programs for older adults: perspective of allied health professionals in the Amsterdam metropolitan region.. 565. Abstract from ISBNPA – Xchange.
  6. Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., Visser, B., Engelbert, R.H.H., Weijs, P.J.M., & Kröse, B.J.A. (2019, September). Supporting Behavior Change in Older Adults: A Blended Approach to Increase Physical Activity. Presentation at the 33rd annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  7. Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., van Rijn, S., Schouten, J., Visser, B., Engelbert, R.H.H., Weijs, P.J.M., & Kröse, B.J.A. (2019, May). A Basic Psychological Needs Perspective on Experiences of Older Adults with a Blended Exercise Intervention. Poster presented at 7th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
  8. Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., Visser, B., Engelbert, R.H.H., Weijs, P.J.M., & Kröse, B.J.A. (2019, May). Extending Face-To-Face Exercise Programs for Older Adults with a Tablet and E-Coaching. Presentation at Health by Tech conference, Groningen, Netherlands.
  9. Mehra, S. (2019, April). A blended approach to increase physical activity levels in older adults. Presentation at 5th annual CBC conference: Behaviour Change for Health, Digital and Other Innovative Methods. London, United Kingdom.
  10. Mehra, S. (2019, January). Increasing physical activity in older adults with a tablet and e-coaching. Poster presented at 8th Annual ARPH Conference, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
  11. Helder, J., Mehra, S., van Dronkelaar, C., Tieland, M., Visser, B., Kröse, BJ., Engelbert, RH., & Weijs, PJ. (2019). Effects of a blended home-based exercise program and protein counselling in community dwelling older adults: results of the VITAMIN RCT. In Abstract book for the ISBNPA 2019 Annual Meeting in Prague (pp. 356). [16866] International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
  12. van den Helder, J., Mehra, S., ter Riet, G., Tieland, M., Visser, B., Kröse, B. J. A., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2019). Effects of a blended home-based exercise program and dietary protein intervention on physical performance in community-dwelling older adults: results from the VITAMIN CRCT. Abstract from Nutritional Science Days 2019, Heeze, Netherlands.
  13. van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Tieland, M., Mehra, S., Visser, B., Kröse, B., … Weijs, P. J. M. (2018). Digitally supported dietary counseling increases protein intake in community dwelling older adults: Preliminary results of the vitamin RCT. Clinical Nutrition, 37, S162.
  14. Mehra, S., van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Dadema, T., Cila, N., Visser, B., Engelbert, R.H.H., Weijs, P.J.M, Kröse, B.J.A. (2017, May). Getting Older Adults to Exercise with a Blended Intervention. Presentation at GetAMoveOn Network+ 1st Annual Symposium on Enhancing Physical Activity Through Technology, London, England.
  15. Dallinga, J., Mehra, S., van der Bie, J., Nibbeling, N., & Simons, M. (2017, April). A Home Based Exercise Program: Are Older Adults Able to Use mHealth Technology? In M. Baart de la Faille (chair), Tailored Interactive Technology for a Healthy Lifestyle. Symposium conducted at Persuasive Technology XII 2017 Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  16. Mehra S, Helder JV, Dadema T, Cila N, Visser B, Engelbert RH, Weijs PJ and Kröse B (2017, February). The Design and Usability Testing of a mHealth Application for Supporting Self-Regulation of Exercising Older Adults. Front. Public Health. Conference Abstract: 3rd UCL Centre for Behaviour Change Digital Health Conference 2017: Harnessing digital technology for behaviour change. doi: 10.3389/conf.FPUBH.2017.03.00002
  17. Mehra, S. (2017, February). Harnessing the potential of persuasive technology: Getting Older Adults to Exercise at Home with a Blended Intervention. Poster presented at 6th Annual ARPH Conference, Leiden, Netherlands.
  18. Mehra, S. (2017, January). Harnessing the potential of persuasive technology: Getting Older Adults to Exercise at Home with a Blended Intervention. Poster presented at E-coaching for Health and Wellbeing Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  19. van den Helder, J., van Dronkelaar, C., Tieland, M., Mehra, S., Dadema, T., Visser, B., Kröse, B., Engelbert, R., & Weijs, P. (2017). A digitally supported home-based exercise program and dietary protein intervention for community dwelling older adults: protocol of a cluster randomized controlled study (VITAMIN study). Poster session presented at Science Exchange Day, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  20. Mehra, S, Dadema T, Kröse B, Visser B, Engelbert R, Van Den Helder J & Weijs P (2016, May). Attitudes of Older Adults Towards a Blended Exercise Program. Poster session presented at Supporting Health by Technology VII, Groningen, Netherlands.
  21. Mehra S, Dadema T, Kröse B, Visser B, Engelbert R, Van Den Helder J & Weijs P (2016). Attitudes of Older Adults Towards a Blended Exercise Program. Front. Public Health. Conference Abstract: 2nd Behaviour Change Conference: Digital Health and Wellbeing. doi: 10.3389/conf.FPUBH.2016.01.00104
  22. Mehra, S. (2015, September). Motiverende Technologie voor Ouderen in Beweging. Poster session presented at the VvBN conference Enabling Technology for Human Functioning, Enschede, Netherlands.

Professional symposia & invited talks

  1. Mehra, S. & Brons, A. *(2019, August). Hoe krijgen we ouderen en kinderen in beweging? Presentation at Opening Schooljaar Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  2. Mehra, S. (2018, October). Technologie en gedragsverandering bij ouderen. Keynote presentation at Themabijeenkomst Valpreventie Innovatie en de valpreventiepraktijk., Amersfoort.
  3. Mehra, S. & Vermeer, W. (2017, October). Het analyseren van kwalitatief onderzoek: een vergelijking van methodieken. Presentation at the R&D meet-up, Applied Psychology, Amsterdam.
  4. Mehra, S. (2017, June). Onderzoek en onderwijs integreren; het vormen van learning communities met studenten. Presentation at the R&D meet-up, Applied Psychology, Amsterdam.
  5. Mehra, S., & Veer, C. van ‘t * (2017, April). Bezint Eer ge Begint. Gespreksleider rondetafelgesprek voorlichtingsmiddag Promotiebeurs voor leraren. NWO, Den Haag.
  6. Mehra, S. (2016, December). Persuasive Technology for Older Adults. Presentation for Chinese delegation of visiting scientist, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  7. Mehra, S., & Hamers, A. * (2016, October). Presentation at ARPH symposium Using videos for research in health psychology, Utrecht, Netherlands.
  8. Mehra, S (2016, April). Attitudes of Older Adults Towards a Blended Exercise Program. Poster session presented at AKMI showcases, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  9. Mehra, S. (2016, April). Supporting older adults to exercise with a tablet. Presentation at, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  10. Mehra, S. (2016, April). Supporting older adults to exercise with a tablet. Demonstration at Sense in the City symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  11. Mehra, S., Kesler, D,, Cornelissen, J., & Dadema, T. * (2016, April). Get together! Studenten betrekken bij praktijkgericht onderzoek. De HvA Onderwijsconferentie, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  12. Mehra, S. (2016, March). VITAMINE presentation. Showcases of Digital Life at TU Twente. Enschede, Netherlands.
  13. Mehra, S. (2015, November). Uitreiking NWO lerarenbeurs (interview by R. Endert). Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  14. Mehra, S. (2015, September). Motiverende Technologie voor Ouderen in Beweging. Presentation given at the DMR Research Award, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  15. Mehra, S. (2015, September). Motiverende Technologie voor Ouderen in Beweging. Poster session presented at the NWO Inspiratiedag, Amersfoort, Netherlands.
  16. Mehra, S. (2015, September). Motiverende Technologie voor Ouderen in Beweging. Poster session presented at the opening of the Digital Life Lab, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  17. Mehra, S. (2015, April). Persuasieve Technologie & Gezondheid. Workshop conducted at the international conference of Applied Psychology Colleges, Brugge, Belgium.

Professional publications, media & awards

  1. Mehra S, Visser B, Cila N, van den Helder J, Engelbert RH, Weijs PJ, Kröse BJ (2020). Supporting Older Adults in Exercising With a Tablet: A Usability Study. Fysiopraxis, 29(6).
  2. Mehra, S., & van den Helder, J. * (2018). Fit met pit. Creating Tomorrow Together, 25 jaar HvA Magazine, p30.
  3. Mehra, S., & van den Helder, J. *. Audience Awart at: HvA Research Awards 2017. URL,
  4. Mehra, S., & Beun, R.J. * (2017). Dag Ongezond Gedrag (D. Riksen & S. Knols, interviewer). I/O Magazine, 14(2), 4-7.
  5. Mehra, S., & van der Helder, J. * (2016). Samen promoveren: twee werelden in een onderzoek. HvA Campus Nieuws, jaargang 6, nummer 2.
  6. Mehra, S. (2015, April). Amsterdam Leeft (interview by M.C.C. Vonk & P. van de Water). Amsterdam: Amsterdam FM. Retrieved from

* equal contribution