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- Mehra, Vishwa R., Comparative Study of Conventional Relining Methods
and Materials and Research Towards Their Improvement,
in “Interim Report”, ICOM Conference, Committee
for the Care of Paintings, Madrid, October 1972, p. 29.
- Mehra, Vishwa R.,A Low-Pressure Cold-Relining Table, in “Conference
on Comparative Lining Techniques”, National Maritime
Museum, Greenwich, London, April 1974.
- Mehra, Vishwa R., Nap-Bond Cold-Lining on a Low-Pressure Table,
in “Maltechnik”, 81, April 1975, 2, pp. 87-95.
- Mehra, Vishwa, “Comparative Study of Conventional Relining Methods and Materials and Research Towards Their Improvement.” Interim Report to the ICOM Committee for Conservation, 4th Triennial Meeting, Venice, 1975. Paper No. 75/11/5.
- Mehra, Vishwa R., Further Developments in Cold-Lining (Nap-Bond System),
ICOM Committee for Conservation, working committee for stretchers
and lining, Venice, 1975.
- Mehra, Vishwa R.,
Cold-Lining and the Care of the Paint-Layer in a Triple-Stretcher
System. Also Answers to some Questions and Doubts about the
Cold-Lining System, ICOM Conference, Committee for the
Care of Paintings, Zagreb, Jugoslavia-ICOM, 1978, 78.2.5,
pp. 1-19.
- Mehra, Vishwa R. – J. VOSKUIL, Conservation of Contemporary Art, Reflection
on the Future, International Conference on Conservation
of Contemporary and Modern Art, Ottawa, July 1980, p. 8.
- Mehra, Vishwa R.,
The Cold Lining of Paintings, in “The Conservator”,
5 (1981, pp. 12-14.
- Mehra, Vishwa R., Minimizing Strain and Stresses in Lining Canvas
Painting, ICOM, 6th Triennial Meeting, Ottawa, 1981, 81.12.14,
pp. 1-8.
- Mehra, Vishwa R., Dispersion as Lining Adhesive and Its Scope, IIC,
Paris, 1984, ed. by N.S. Brommelle et al., pp. 44-45.
- Mehra, Vishwa R., Cold Lining and Its Scope: Some Case Histories,
ICOM, 6th Triennial Meeting, Copenhagen, 1984, 84.2, pp. 31-34.
- Mehra, Vishwa R., Foderatura a freddo. I testi fondamentali per la
metodologia e la pratica, Firenze, Nardini Editore,2004.